Friday, April 29, 2011

Multiple Choice Question Types

Complete the Statement
Given an incomplete statement that must be completed with answer.
Carefully read the question stem.
Eliminate wrong answers immediately
Read the question stem with each answer
Make sure your answer choice BEST completes the sentence.
Which of the Following
Choice of answers limited to answer stem only; although others answers could apply which aren’t listed.
Carefully read the question stem
Insert the answer choices in place of the phrase “ which of the following”
Negative Choices
“Not”, “Except”, “Least” – These words are often overlooked. 
Negative choices are used for questions with several GOOD solutions.  BUT there is clearly a wrong answer in the choices
Carefully read the question stem
Underline, circle, or highlight the negative word presented in the stem, so that you will select a correct answer.
Think about what choice does not fit
Keep in mind that you are looking for a negative choice – one that doesn’t belong.